Sunday, March 27, 2011

Last Summer Watercolor

My first watercolor class was over this past summer at the American Academy of Art, and I'd have to say, watercolor is amazing!   These two paintings are different environment studies required for the class.  Not my favorite pieces from the class but I wanted to share them anyway.

Hopefully there will be a time when I can focus more effort in watercolor. Since my greatest strength is Photoshop, I've been building my portfolio to show case it.  Soon, I hope, I can spend time improving my watercolor.

Friday, March 25, 2011

First post! Hurray!

Hello!  This is my first blog post and I wasn't quite sure how to start so I threw in a link to my website: Obviously I'm trying to generate traffic to the site but I figure I can also post things here that I normaly wouldn't there, like say, sketches and what not.  Well I hope you enjoy and I'll post again a few times before this weekend is done.